Mask Madness!

Mask Madness!

The madness is real, and this time it is the form of masks!! As if little pieces of clothing like socks, underwear, etc weren’t enough, now we get to deal with masks! This madness is taking over our washing machines and it is not fun! A new thing the washing machines have been eating away have been masks! Those tiny pieces of clothing go into the machine and sometimes never make it out. It’s a mystery that most people just tend to live with. Well, not anymore! Here are some tips to manage this madness. 

Where do they go, you ask? Well, the mystery has been solved!! In recent times, it has become very common to see masks that have made their way into the drain pumps of the washing machine. This has caused significant damage to the washing machine and has sometimes caused flooding and/or very expensive repair costs.

It is important to check for these items under the agitator (the pole in the middle of the washer) of a top load machine, or get trapped under the middle of the wash plate (the central piece in the bottom of the tub). For front load machines, it is vital to check the washer’s filter. If they go past that into the drain pump, it is a service call you will wish you didn’t have to make. Another place to check in the front load machine is the door’s rubber gasket, that is a very common place to find them. Maintaining checking all these places will ensure you don’t have to deal with missing masks and expensive repairs. 

Meanwhile, a simple solution to this madness is to use a mesh laundry bag when you put your masks (or other little clothing items) in the washing machine! Of course the easiest solution would be to hand wash them, but if not this magic bag will do the trick. Putting these little items in the bag will prevent them from venturing off into these small crevices in the machine and will help with the longevity of your washing machine!

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